Complete Diagnosis of Infertility

Identifying a fertility problem:

If you have not been capable to become pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse, either one (or) both of you may have a fertility problem.

Which factors are responsible for infertility?

  • The role of hormone balances is very important in deciding the fertility problems in women
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Poor nutrition may cause fertility in female
  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Failing to conceive for a significant period of time
  • Although a poor sperm count may be responsible for infertility in men
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS (poly cystic Ovary Syndrome)

Treating infertility:

Fertility treatments have a special role in treating infertility. We providing all the kinds of infertility services, fertility treatment options in Hyderabad are very much beneficial to the most of infertile patients. We successfully treated many causes of infertility in male and female. Our fertility treatment options (IVF, ICSI, IMSI, and IUI) can surely help you enjoy parenthood and also here number of pregnancy rates is consistently high and our treatment can reduces the chances to be infertile.

Complete diagnosis of infertility

For more details please contact us through email id:

Phone: +91-40-2339 3483

Best Clinic in Creating Families

Fertility treatments has allowed lots of loving parents to have a child of their own, even in condition where due to biological causes the couple is not able to carry a baby to term.  These days’ effective treatment options are available to couples to look at their chances of conception. Here in JFC Dr.Nirmala Agrawal has an extensive experience in all fields of assisted reproduction. Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) has brought hope and happiness to thousands of couples. Our fertility clinic in Hyderabad is the best and top in the province with affordable care, highest standards given that best success rates in infertility treatment. Our center delivers all services like artificial insemination, ICSI, IMSI, IVF, IUI, Donor Embryos, Frozen Embryo transfer, egg donation program,. Egg freezing and fertility program services.

In Vitro fertilization treatment:

Many couples who experience serious problems with infertility are more possible to find in vitro fertilization (IVF) better appropriate to address their needs. IVF can help them get pregnant and achieve their families. We have an elongated history of working with different families and individuals from different countries, and we are dedicated to assisting all kinds of people create the families they want.

best clinic in creating families

Our aim is to join men and women with every conceivable option for starting a family.

For more details please contact us through email id:

Phone: +91-40-2339 3483

Top IVF Clinics Hyderabad

In Vitro Fertilization is helpful because it aids women who are infertile to receive the blessing of a child. Many infertility problems can be determined & overcome through this process. There are various situations where this treatment has diagnosed and helped women such as older women who want to become a mother (over 40 years), damaged (or) blocked fallopian tubes, when cells lining the womb grow on other parts of the body (endometriosis), and the partner having problems with sperm. There are many situations where a couple had been trying to conceive for over 2 years without success and became depressed. But then they were a part of this treatment which created a healthy, beautiful baby. For that reason, it can be seen that this process brings happiness to many families who have ultimately lost hope.

We offer multiple options:

affordable IVF Centre in Hyderabad

Juhi Fertility Centre offers a wide range of treatments including fertility, IVF, intra-uterine insemination, intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection, and frozen embryo replacement cycle. The key to our success is the expertise and experience of our IVF specialists. We work honestly with each of our patients to make sure that they receive the right treatment, at the right time, with the goal of bringing a new life into their family and making them parents.

Who might use IVF?

  • Women who have fertility problems such that they want whichever an egg donor, gestational carrier, or both to have a child.
  • Single men who wish to have a biological child.
  • Blocked fallopian tubes

Anyone can have a baby:

In vitro fertilization makes it possible for nearly any individual or couple to have a baby, regardless of familial status or sexual orientation. Single women and men, and infertile people, and couples who’ve had a hard time conceiving have all used IVF as a way to have a child.

Wish to know about our IVF program, then call us at: +91-40-2339 3483 (or) send Email to


Egg donation Centre in Hyderabad

Gift of life through egg donation:

Egg donation program is giving hope to the large number of women who previously thought they could never have childrenEgg donation is the process by which women donate eggs for purposes of assisted reproduction. We are very proud of our successful egg donor program. Science and technology have provided us with a wonderful opportunity to help someone begin or grow their family.

Use of egg donation program:

Egg donation is a technique of fertility treatment that allows couples to become parents when the woman is unable to successfully conceive using her own eggs.

Donated eggs may be offered to women suffering premature menopause, those whose eggs will not fertilize, those whose ovaries have been removed or older women.

Egg donors Qualification criteria:

To become an egg donor you must have,

  • Non-smoker, Non-drug user
  • BMI should between the ranges of 18 to 28
  • Female between the ages of 21 to 32 with good overall health
  • Emotionally and physically  healthy
  • Have regular monthly periods
  • Having both ovaries and no reproductive problems
  • Willingness to take hormone injections

Egg donation centre in hyderabad

Once we have finalized the donor, the next step is to synchronize the patient’s and the donor’s menstrual cycle. We then start stimulating the donor to produce egg and at the same time we start the fertility drugs for the recipient to increase the lining of the uterus, which allows the embryo to implant. Once the egg is grown-up, oocyte aspiration is done and then fertilized with the partner’s sperm of the recipient, and the embryo is moved into the uterus of the patient after two to three days.

For more details please contact us through email id:

Phone number: +91-99494-22227


What is the Cost of IVF in India?

What is the Cost of IVF in India is probably one of the most searched term by childless couples in India who are considering IVF treatment as an option. And there a rise in persons online searching for “Cost of IVF in India” – primarily due to increase in number of infertility cases, the rise in internet as a fact finding tool and mystery around the true cost of IVF in India.

IVF or Invitro Fertilization is a treatment not yet covered under health Insurance in India. This is leading to indiscriminate pricing of IVF treatment in India with IVF clinics charging based on there whims and fancies. Sometimes within a city you will notice a wide range of the cost of the IVF treatment in similar IVF treatment clinics. With no standards being followed and no agency to publish the comparable costs – the childless couples are left to with nothing else other than to turn to Google. In this article we will be decoding the costs of IVF treatment for the benefit of childless couples. [Read more…]

RIP IVF (Test Tube Baby) Pioneer Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards

IVF Pioneer Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards

IVF Pioneer Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards

Professor Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards, CBE, FRS the British physiologist and pioneer in reproductive medicine and in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) passed away on 10 April 2013. With this ends an era of IVF or Test Tube babies – a revolution in reproductive medicine which Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards created along with surgeon Patrick Steptoe.

The first test-tube baby, Louise Brown was born on 25 July 1978. Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for the development of in vitro fertilization”. [Read more…]

Infertility Treatment was very well organized

Mrs. K. S. L. is a 30 years women diagnosed aspolycystic irregular perods and failed IUI primary infertility conceived with ICSI.

“(Infertility) Treatment was very well organized by following step by step …”

– Mr. K. V. K. & Mrs. K. S. L., Hyderabad

The infertility treatment in this clinic is good and well coordinated …

Mrs P. S. was case of Secondary infertility with Oligospermia.

“The (infertility) treatment in this clinic is good and well coordinated and (we) had a good experience.”

– Mrs P. S. wife of Mr. P. S. B., Andhra Pradesh, 28 May 2012

Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad – Andhra Business

Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad ART has been covered in website in a news titled “ART launches fertility clinic in Hyderabad” by Andhra Business Buero on October 20, 2010. [Read more…]