Leading Fertility clinic in Hyderabad

Now a day’s infertility is a common problem in married couples; they are based on several reasons like age, habits and genetically problems. The solution is available in Juhi Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad. It’s a great opportunity for childless couples to have a child. The fertility clinic provides IVF, ICSI, IUI, IMSI Services etc.

leading fertility clinic
Hope for a child:
Babies are god’s gift, most of the couple’s life lead through the presence of this gods’ gift. But some exceptional cases couple having certain problem called infertility. It is incapability of a person to form a baby. Both men and women are seeing the infertility problem but the reason is different. Cases for infertility in men are low sperm count, injury, and illness also alcohol & smoking. In women’s are age, stress, irregular ovulation, block in fallopian tubes. Various types of infertility treatments options are available to success over these complications.

There are thousands of women at any given time that cannot become pregnant using their own eggs. Whether the reason is previous disease, chromosomal abnormalities, early menopause, premature ovarian failure, or simply poor egg quality, hopeful parents are often able to successfully become pregnant by using donated eggs from younger, more fertile women in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Beginning a family can be a wonderful time in one’s life. However, while there are many who very much long to have children, for one reason or another, they are unable to conceive. There is a solution, though, in the process of fertility treatments.

For more details please contact us through email id: nopa56@gmail.com

Phone : +91-40-2339 3483

Infertility Centre Hyderabad


A number of things can cause impaired sperm count or mobility, or impaired ability to fertilize the egg. The most common causes of male infertility include abnormal sperm production or function, impaired delivery of sperm, general health and lifestyle issues, and overexposure to certain environmental elements.

Treatment options:

Depending on the type of infertility that has been diagnosed, several options can be offered to couples. Treatment modalities could include either of the following procedures and even a combination of procedures.

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Intra uterine insemination (IUI)
  • Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH)
  • Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • IMSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection)
  • Blastocyst culture

IVF centre in Hyderabad: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of the most popular, and most effective, procedures for couples that wish to grow their families.

A woman’s age is a major factor in the success of IVF for any couple.

in vitro fertilization

IVF success rate factors:

  • Age of the woman
  • Status of the women uterus
  • Total number of embryos that have been transferred
  • The actual cause of infertility is also a major factor.

For more details please contact us through email id: nopa56@gmail.com

Phone number:  +91-40-2339 3483

Surrogacy Centre in Hyderabad

Surrogacy has become a popular solution for childless couples to create family. Intended parents can use a surrogate pregnancy because of female infertility or other medical issues which make pregnancy impossible. With this method, the child born is genetically related to its parents and the surrogate mother has no genetic relation.

Fertility options for infertile couples:

There are a variety of fertility treatments available – and which one is right for you will depend on the cause of the issue. In vitro fertilization is a major fertility treatment in assisted reproduction. It is a process used to conceive a child outside the body. Here we can help you create your own family with the help of a surrogate mother; it can be an exciting and fulfilling way to start a family. ICSI can also be an option if a man can’t ejaculate sperm, when men are infertile because they have a low sperm count.

In vitro fertilization with a donor egg:

For this procedure, the egg from another woman is fertilized with sperm from your partner. Then the fertilized egg, called an embryo, is implanted into your uterus. You carry the baby to term.

In Vitro Fertilization with a surrogate :

surrogacy centre in hyderabad

In Vitro Fertilization is more commonly called as “test tube baby” and it has helped to couples that are infertile, conceive babies. Today this process actually occurs in a dish and not a test tube. The In Vitro Fertilization procedure is a four-step process. First, the egg donor will take medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Step two contains saving the eggs from the ovary. The third step is the fertilization of the eggs and culture of the embryos in the IVF Laboratory. Once the eggs are properly fertilized, the fourth and last step occurs. This step includes placing the embryos into the uterus of the surrogate for implantation.

To know more about IVF and surrogacy please contact us through email id:nopa56@gmail.com

Phone number: +91-99494-22227